AFAL (Alzheimer's Families Association)
I have no job...
Every person with Alzheimer’s experiences the disease differently, but people tend to experience a similar trajectory from the beginning of the illness to its end. Depriving people from their memory, it all starts with having difficulty to find the right word during conversations or remembering names of new acquaintances. From there, it evolves to having poor short-term memory (not recalling what they ate for breakfast, for example) or forgetting details about their life histories. Confusion or unawareness of environment and surroundings, major personality changes and potential behavior problems come next. At then end people lose the ability to communicate or respond to their environment.
And while patients slowly fade out, forgetting their names, where they live, how to get dressed, forgetting their own lives, the ones silently needing help are their care takers.
AFAL (Alzheimer patient's Families Association) wanted to put the spotlight on the fact that oftentimes the patient is not the only one affected by the disease. Their relatives and friends, other than taking care of the patient, also see how their lives change losing all those things (job, friends, me-time) absolutely necessary to help them go through this tough situation.

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I have no job, I have no holidays, I have no friends. My son has Alzheimer's. Please, help me.
Alzheimer does not only affect the patient, but everyone around him. Depression, exhaustion, guilt or anger are symptoms of psychological disorders in those taking care of Alzheimer's patients. That's why hundreds of families need desperately our help to receive daily guidance and support.
Join AFAL. Alzheimer's affects us all.

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I have no job, I have no holidays, I have no friends. My husband has Alzheimer's. Please help me.
Alzheimer does not only affect the patient, but everyone around him. Depression, exhaustion, guilt or anger are symptoms of psychological disorders in those taking care of Alzheimer's patients. That's why hundreds of families need desperately our help to receive daily guidance and support.
Join AFAL. Alzheimer's affects us all.

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I have no job, I have no holidays, I have no friends. My mother has Alzheimer's. Please help me.
Alzheimer does not only affect the patient, but everyone around him. Depression, exhaustion, guilt or anger are symptoms of psychological disorders in those taking care of Alzheimer's patients. That's why hundreds of families need desperately our help to receive daily guidance and support.
Join AFAL. Alzheimer's affects us all.