United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Open wound in Syria
UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) helps refugees and internally displaced people in Syria rising funds aimed to humanitarian assistance programs such as nutrition, health care, potable water, education, shelter, legal advice, international protection, etc.
Unfortunately, back in 2015, with more than 6 million refugees and displaced people, ACNUR was facing a problem which exceeded by far its available resources.
EACNUR (Spanish UNHCR Committee) briefed us to create a multimedia awareness campaign to raise funds among the Spanish population during Christmas time. 
The challenge:
A very low budget and a very big goal, to raise 1 million euros in two months.
Under the motto “We all have an open wound in Syria”, we developed a fund-raising website, “www.heridasiria.org”, where real refugees' stories were shared with the world. 
Unfortunately, this humanitarian crisis had already been in the media for a few months and people had become insensitive to it. To overcome that barrier we reached out to familiar faces that would somehow make the problem feel closer to the Spanish population. Thanks to the altruistic cooperation of three Spanish famous actors and TV presenters, we created three films where these celebrities denounced the situation and asked for everyone's help. To maximize the campaign effect, along with the films, we created billboards and press ads.
To kick off the campaign, we sent a direct mail marketing piece to journalists and influencers aimed to gain social media relevance.
Given their great success, the website’s videos were broadcasted on national TV channels.
Influencers receiving the direct mail piece helped to make the campaign even bigger, gaining visibility across the most important Spanish media channels (press, TV and online).
With an initial duration of only two months (November and December 2013) and a goal of 1 million euros, EACNUR raised 1.5 mm euros at the end of that period, so the website www.heridasiria.org continued active and raising even more funds for many more months.
However, the best result was that EACNUR stablished this creative idea as their permanent platform to raise funds for the Syrian population, keeping it alive for more than four years after the initial campaign was launched.
Case Study
Open wound in Syria TVC's
TVC 1:
Luis Tosar. Spanish Actor and Musician.
"The current situation in Syria is the biggest humanitarian emergency we’ve ever faced. Five thousand people cross the border every day fleeing from war. Think of your city, your neighborhood. Imagine all your neighbors running away.
Syria is a huge open wound that, if not healed, will inevitably continue growing.
I have this wound, and the world has it too.
Cooperate with ACNUR and help me healing it.
Make your donation now."
TVC 2:
Anne Igartiburu. Spanish TV Presenter and Actress.
"Today, a third of Syria’s population are displaced people and refugees. Most of them women and children. Imagine the streets of your city, the parks, the schools… Completely empty.
Syria is a huge open wound that, if not healed, will inevitably continue growing.
I have this wound, and the world has it too.
Cooperate with ACNUR and help me healing it.
Make your donation now."
TVC 3:
Melani Olivares. Spanish TV Presenter and Actress.
"The war in Syria has caused more displaced people and refugees than any other conflict in the world. More than 6 million victims. Same number as the entire population of Madrid, Valencia and Barcelona together. Scary, isn’t it?
Syria is a huge open wound that, if not healed, will inevitably continue growing.
I have this wound, and the world has it too.
Cooperate with ACNUR and help me healing it.
Make your donation now."
Luis Tosar - Print Ad​​​​​​​
I have an open wound in Syria. Help me to heal it.
Luis Tosar has it, and you have it as well. And all your family. And the whole European population. Because the current situation in Syria is more than an international conflict, it is a mankind conflict. An open wound that, if not healed, will eventually grow in a stoppable way.
Make your donation at heridasiria.org or calling 91 369 06 70.
Anne Igartiburu - Print Ad
I have an open wound in Syria. Help me to heal it.
Anne Igartiburu has it, and you have it as well. And all your family. And the whole European population. Because the current situation in Syria is more than an international conflict, it is a mankind conflict. An open wound that, if not healed, will eventually grow in a stoppable way.
Make your donation at heridasiria.org or calling 91 369 06 70.
Melanie Olivares - Print Ad
I have an open wound in Syria. Help me to heal it.
Melani Olivares has it, and you have it as well. And all your family. And the whole European population. Because the current situation in Syria is more than an international conflict, it is a mankind conflict. An open wound that, if not healed, will eventually grow in a stoppable way.
Make your donation at heridasiria.org or calling 91 369 06 70.
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